There is blood on my carpet will you remove it?

This depends on how quickly the blood was mopped up [some medicatiosn that are present in the blood stream can also affect this].

When b lood is on the carpet we recommend the following:

  • Absorb as much as possible [do NOT rub, you MUST blot only]
  • Use COLD water only to blot out stains [do NOT use HOT water or products from the supermarket, these can set the stains].
  • Call O’Shea’s as soon as possible, time is of the essence, the sooner the blood is treated the better the results will be.

We have the correct equipment and stain removal agents to treat the blood effectively, however we cannot guarantee to achieve complete stain removal. In most instances you will see a minimum of some improvement eg. The stain will at least fade or reduce in size some what.

Please note, blood has a strong tendency to reappear and we strongly advise that you consider having more than one treatment to achieve the best results. In some instances you may need to consider new carpet.
In some instances you should consider contacting your insurance company as the effective removal of blood can be costly.

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